Biker Scout Redux

With the Stormtrooper helmet finished (or at least, as finished as I can be bothered with), I think it is time to move on to something new.
I made a bit of an attempt at a Kylo Ren out of heavier grade EVA foam but I'm not at all happy with how it has turned out. It fits a treat but is very rough around the edges. I will definitely come back to it another time but I've decided on a different project to follow up with.
Because I am so OLD (or I prefer the term "Retro" or at a push "Shabby Chic"), I think we will stick with old school Star Wars and try a Biker Scout helmet.

Initially, I thought it would be rather COOL to make the actual bike but I don't think Mrs M would let me build such a monstrocity in the garden. Apparently we need the space to build a pretty little shed so that she can sit in it drinking Pimms (Other summery, alcohol based drinks are available) and reading books.
Personnnaly I think she could sit on the bike and do both of the above!

AAAANNNNDDDD.....I'm back in the room.
So....back to the smaller scale project at hand! I found a BRILLIANT website called 

which is frankly AWESOME and had a whole load of images of some of the original designs and production models used in the films.
I've used a couple as reference below.

A production model used in Return of the Jedi. Sourced at 
Including the following video:


I don't think I have ever stuck to the script to produce an accurate reproduction of ANY of my pieces so far and I'm not about to change my ways any time soon.
So, I've had a little think about what I might do differently. Especially in terms of how this might ACTUALLY get made to make it PRACTICAL for a Bike Scout as a piece of functional equipment today.

I plan on making something with a few tweaks.
Original image from overlaid with a few "tweaks" I will try to make on my design.

Before I start figuring out exactly how I'll do it and stuff. I leave it to a little feedback from my MILLIONS of readers for suggestions of other "tweaks" that could be made to make this a bit more "real world"  that would work as a practical helmet in real life.

Comments and suggestions would be AMAZING!


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